Sunday, March 05, 2006

Real Cancer Cures

In the last year or so, I personally have known of 3 people facing death due to cancer. Both HAD breast cancer and one HAD a tumour at the base of his brain. All 3 recovered.

The one with the brain tumour was just given a clean bill of health this past week. He had been through a 6-month regiment of radiation and chemotherapy. During his weekly therapy, I was with him practically every other day - driving him to and from the hospital, visited him at home, called him, etc. We are good friends (as are our spouses - his wife is also my personal physician) and we fish together every spring and summer. He is a VP of a large Canadian firm (with manufacturing facilities in China, and offices in Australia, Hong Kong, UK, Germany and the US), and his health insurance plan will only recognize allopathic treatments.

I saw - with my very own eyes - the treatments he was subjected to. 3 sets of radiation that went on for 2 weeks each time on alternate days. Chemotherapy on the intervening days. He was scanned, tested and poked hundreds of times during that 6 months period. He had to wear a stomach bag to get fed, and another device that dispenses pain-killers. I saw him loose weight, gained them back and loose them again as he struggled with his inability to eat, to swallow, to even talk. He is often lethargic from the toxic chemotherapy treatments and sun-burnt from the radiation.

There must be a team of 10-15 technicians, doctors, nurses, therapists that attended to him during this period, using the latest machines, research and medication.

Here is my question: Would someone with a dubious education like Jeffrey Chung be able to cure my friend from his brain tumour, as Jeffrey had once claimed through his website?

My friend, who is Chinese in heritage, did not immediately fall back on his traditional remedies as he damn well knows that he will be betting his life on real doctors (i.e. not with degrees via correspondence and unsupervised work, false professional/academic claims, and personal psychological issues such as gender-identity), real medical assistants (i.e. not some ladies in white lab coats) and real medical techniques (i.e. proven techniques that have been examined by others in a public manner, in certified medical facilities with real equipment).

Swallowing an over-priced herbal pill, and with no further medical observations, testing and monitoring, is NOT the path to fighting cancer. That is the path to make Jeffrey rich - a real scam - and the patient WILL succumb to his/her cancer. There is not alternative in alternative medicine.

Jeffrey should be jailed for such fraud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how is your friend doing these days?

Fri Mar 25, 10:22:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had my TL a little more than a year ago when my third child was born via c-section. I was not told ANYTHING about the possible side effects of having this procedure. Since then I have experienced heavy bleeding lasting sometimes 3 weeks out of the month, weight gain, severe mood swings. Severe cramping, changes to my libido, severe depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts, headaches, migraines, many new symptoms & older issues are now exacerbated. The father of two of my children doesn't want me anymore. I've become too much of a pain in the ass I guess. We don't talk. We don't sleep in the same bed. I think he might really think I am crazy... & maybe I am. I feel crazy a lot of the time.
I'm unpredictable. I feel so angry about the whole thing & now what was once a mild fear of doctors has exploded into full on white coat syndrome that causes me to have a panic attack/hypertensive emergency (severe increase in blood pressure) whenever I have to deal with them. I'm not sure what to do... I fear the next time I have to see a doctor I'll have a stroke or a heart attack from the stress & anxiety of it... what do I do? I take my time and keep searching on internet looking for natural healing that how I came across Dr Itua herbal center website and I was so excited when Dr Itua told me to calm down that he will help me with his natural remedy I put my hope on him so I purchase his herbal medicines which was shipped to my address I used it as prescribed guess what? I'm totally healed my cramp pain is gone completely I also used his Anti Bacteria herbal medicines it's works for me very well I want anyone with health problem to contact Dr Itua herbal center for any kind diseases remedies such as Parkinson, Herpes, ALS, MS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Hiv/Aids,Cancers, Men & Women Infertility, I got his email address he has any kind of herbal remedies for women & men also for our babes. I really miss my Hunni...he's a fantastic father & a good man. He doesn't deserve this. I feel like an empty shell of who I used to

Sun Mar 06, 03:15:00 AM EST  

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