All Over The Place

First it is Jeffrey, now it is Jessie.
Then she is a homeopath, a nutritional therapist, and now a naturopath. That's what happens when you purchased bogus degrees ... you learnt nothing and don't even know what exactly what you know.
Last I heard, she's a singer and writing a tell-all book. Why would a respectable doctor do something like that?
BTW, naturopaths, homeopaths and nutritional therapists must be now licensed and registered with MSCT. My local contacts told me and have been sending me with tons of info, including an inside look at her Health Centre.
P/S: I was told she does NOT have municipal signage permits for these signage.
If the sign cannot be seen from the road, she doesn't need a muunicipal license.
Thanks Romeo, and welcome.
I cannot ascertain if these signs are visible from the streets. I am just repeating whatever information given to be by those who lives in USJ/Malaysia.
We really need someone out there to do an investigative visit to her premise and give us an insight what are her selling tactics and how overpriced are her products.
Nevertheless, keep up the good work here and let the plot thickens till the truth reveals.
All signboard need a license!! Wow since when MPSJ change their rules?? As far as I know, no other language can be bigger then Bahasa Malaysia. Since when the chinese text allow ?? Some more without Bahasa Malaysia??
Malaysia Boleh again ah?
What is Naturopathic??
I have no knowledge of Malaysian municipal laws, but in North America, all signage requires a permit and there are by-laws that must be adhered to. In most of western Europe, you are not even allowed to put up signages, unless it is a very discreet one. To preserve the architectural heritage presumably. Doctors, and other professionals, place engraved 6" x 6" brass plaques by the door - not huge plastic jobbies like Jeffrey's.
What is naturopathic? That's a loaded question. Even the naturopaths themselves find it hard to agree amongst themselves.
To me naturopathic medicine is remedies and interventions that are based on safe and effective traditional therapies. It is meant to be complementary to modern medicine (or chemical-based medicine or allopathic medicine).
For example, I take doses of echinacea over a short period of time to boost up my immune system just before and during cold/flu season. This is a traditional native North America Indian remedy. It is considered as herbal medicine by Asian definations. Unlike Asian herbal medication, the doses are standardized and certified, and has been clinically studied in addition to general societal acceptance. These standardization benchmarks are volunteerily set by those in the herbal remedy industry at a national level, with support and input from academia and government.
In North America, naturopathic doctors are licensed and schools are accreditated. One cannot receive a degree from the unknown St. Andrew's College and be licensed. They received standardized degrees (ND's), which takes just as long to complete as MDs, after 3 years of university-based life-science studies.
NDs start to loose my confidence when they start talking about remedies like homeopathy, healing touch, etc. Homeopathy is quackery to the highest degree, and healing touch I only know from a Charismatic Christian context (i.e. those that are of faith).
Howsy, when you come back, I drive you to Taipan and Summit lah.
I think you will be the best person for this investigation job.
Hey Trifeta:
This is the best piece I've read about "Prof. Dr." Jessie Chung!!!
Blows me out of the water, and makes all I have written redundant. I am so ashamed of myself.
I was not aware there was an alternate reality in IT land blog v.2. I have been so wrong .....
Should I apologize and retract all of my dubious evidence???
You won't be able to post there. He censors comments. I have had 3 posts denied. He only wants to hear his own voice.
You are welcome here. Unlike Chang, I am not afraid of being an "accomplice" to sedition and libel. I am only concern about people being rude, crude and being uncivil.
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