What Pierce, and Others, Have To Say About Me
This was posted on Pierce's Blog - #1
I have been contacted and threaten by this fella who pretend to be someone from some part of Ontario Canada. He (I honour his gender as he called himself TOM) called himself a duck making noise buster but he sounded like a failure. From my analysis, he is hot tempered, impatience, and self-centered person who always think that he is right and everyone else is wrong. This also makes him fall into the category of "loner". He goes by the name TOM in his hotmail account which I doubt is legit. I have check some status on the account and found out that the account is either new or has been recently re-activated.
As I recall, he has not make any sense of himself by throwing himself up in the air making a Hoo-Haa on the issue that some "Ef-Bee-Eye certified" (denied by my friend in the state who is in there) warning on the so called "fake university" of which he claimed that the honourable doctor is graduated from. My friend is not amused by his threat and by his naming of their department in the posting. As the result of his mentioning, my web site is currently being probed by all three of the three initials in the states. I don’t think I will mention them any more because I really don’t like this kind of posting. That’s why I moderate all comments.
I would think that he is either from Malaysia or some Asian country. I have my reason for that especially from his communications. Let just say that these are my assumptions:
1. He could be a She (tense to use feminin voices)
2. He could be a med school grad
3. He tries sounded like someone I used to know whose name was mentioned by another friend in some comments in some earlier post.
4. He seems to know a lot of back ground about Jeffrey Chung and was not happy because of the becoming of Jessie Chung
5. He seems to know quite a bit about different places in Kuching and Subang; which I think, he has been here before or he is in Malaysia.
Anyway, I felt lazy to entertain all his question after he bombarded me with something which I think, he did not care about finding out the truth. I have not put anything on the tray to block him from doing anything because he is wrong about things that he said.
If he is reading this, I would like him to go and see the great JC and pray and stop preyying on the little JC.
This was posted on Pierce's Blog - #2
Hmmm.. Create a new hotmail account just to post this via a open reply on someone’s cable modem in USA?
Cheap but no caveat. Taiwanese?? Singaporean?? Asian country I pressumed.
FYI, I also use that web proxy occasionally.
My answer to your claims is as below:
1. Lafayette is not a diplomas mill as what you have claimed. Please check
2. Oriental Medical College
3. I also have a ITEC certification for physiotheraphy due to needs from one of my previous IT project but I am only computer project manager. The certification will take up to 2 years depending on what certification you want.
** I believed that if you are going to make your website impressive, you will pull out all the certificates which is related to your business and publish them. This will also include maybe an IUG Degree for certified internet user which can be obtained back in 1996 by paying some fella IUG in USA USD 1 and you will get a digital certificates plus a mail in certificates if you add on USD 10 for the return postage. This is only Human nature.
4. China Medical Institute is a school which teach physiotheraphy and acupunture, Location: Beijing. I would not concede that Jessie have made any mistake because if you are going to address a school which have a common name like St. Joseph, one would just use either a prefix or a suffix with the name of the location as an indicative pronoun to the common name. i. e. (suffix) St. Joseph Kuching, Kuching High School (prefix) or Massachusetts Institute of Technology (prefix).
5. There is a East West University is in Chicago. Il. How on earth do you miss that????? Of course Jessie was not studying in Il. However, there is another East West University of Holistic Health Sciences in USA which is affiliated with Indian board of alternative medicine (IBAM). I think you must have use the wrong search engine. Try Google, Yahoo or Wikipedia. Just cut and paste the name as exactly from the Natural Health farm website and you should be able to find all the assiciates and institution.
(got sick of numbering and referencing…)
for American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Nutritional Medical Association, these are companies what provide Alternative medicine information and since Steven is a MD, I would think that what Steven wants to do is to oust all the alternative medicine from any claims that alternative medicine works. This is because there are some basis that alternative medicine works by boosting the immune system of the patient and thus make the body defence system works better in fighting sickness; and if alternative medicine works, steven will be the one losing out with some of the other MD who will be making less money due to the impact from this new line of remedies in the general market.
FYI, you can listen to Ai-FM (formerly Radio 5) via Internet Radio.
Dr. is conferred, not earned right? what what is the price to get this title? Pay 1 Million for it? Please note that Jessie is a supporter of alternative medicine. Most of the alternative medicine is not being accepted by medical institution because of “conflict of interest” in their marketplace. Hence these bodies of accredition will not endorse alternative medicine. Hope you still remember when Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adam started his venture, It was not accepted by the general medical practitioners because free medicine is suppose to be the given to the needy.
On personal notes, eventhough I have a few MDs in my big family, I would still say this. Most but not all MD are “blood suckers” who is only aftering the monies of the people in sickness. When the medical professions started back in the 4000BC, The ideal of healing is to look at the healer and you are healed. (Bible book of Exodos, Sient Crada scrolls and etc.) The ideal thought has been abused ever since by the medical profession (which originated from the world of the now alternative medicine) and by causing tons of death, they took on and trying to profit to the misfortune of the ones in need. Patch had seen this and is on trying to improve the quality of life for the patients.
Anyway that is Patch, Not Jessie. Here in Malaysia, we have our ways of doing things and in order for alternative medicine to progress on, it is still a long journey. Just as the path of the brand Himalaya has gone through and obtain global recognitions, Natural Health Farm is also going through the same thing but with bigger obstacle. It is on its way towards global recognition.
NHF is Jessie’s work. Her tears and sweats is all in this. May be she has profitted from this but I would say that what she has pay is more than what she has received. To me, she is a Dr. because she has earned it herself through her life experience and studies. I knew her when she was still a he and back then, she did study hard for alternative medicine and people with medical degree should be called Dr. (and I don’t mean MD)
Yes, she may not be as mighty as Dr. Patch, but to me, alternative medicine is much better than western meds. Yet I think we should have both in the way that it will balance out the norm.
This was posted on Pierce's Blog - #3
If indeed you are from a cable fro Rogers, then i would caution you that you may have a insecure port. Anyway, I will response to your queries later as I am in the middle of arranging a trip.
This Was Posted By guozi/I-BUST-YOU (IP: On www.usj.com.my
Hey! you stupid little %^&*(#@, pls be very careful!!! You know who am I?!!
I obtained ITEC- Dip in Nutrition. Wanna see my certs??? Dont act clever over your little stupid comments. I WIL FINd U...
Attack my posts and I if you wish. Unless very personal or obscene information is posted, I will not censor nor edit any posts with few exceptions. But you will be more credible if you deal with the issues.
I have been contacted and threaten by this fella who pretend to be someone from some part of Ontario Canada. He (I honour his gender as he called himself TOM) called himself a duck making noise buster but he sounded like a failure. From my analysis, he is hot tempered, impatience, and self-centered person who always think that he is right and everyone else is wrong. This also makes him fall into the category of "loner". He goes by the name TOM in his hotmail account which I doubt is legit. I have check some status on the account and found out that the account is either new or has been recently re-activated.
As I recall, he has not make any sense of himself by throwing himself up in the air making a Hoo-Haa on the issue that some "Ef-Bee-Eye certified" (denied by my friend in the state who is in there) warning on the so called "fake university" of which he claimed that the honourable doctor is graduated from. My friend is not amused by his threat and by his naming of their department in the posting. As the result of his mentioning, my web site is currently being probed by all three of the three initials in the states. I don’t think I will mention them any more because I really don’t like this kind of posting. That’s why I moderate all comments.
I would think that he is either from Malaysia or some Asian country. I have my reason for that especially from his communications. Let just say that these are my assumptions:
1. He could be a She (tense to use feminin voices)
2. He could be a med school grad
3. He tries sounded like someone I used to know whose name was mentioned by another friend in some comments in some earlier post.
4. He seems to know a lot of back ground about Jeffrey Chung and was not happy because of the becoming of Jessie Chung
5. He seems to know quite a bit about different places in Kuching and Subang; which I think, he has been here before or he is in Malaysia.
Anyway, I felt lazy to entertain all his question after he bombarded me with something which I think, he did not care about finding out the truth. I have not put anything on the tray to block him from doing anything because he is wrong about things that he said.
If he is reading this, I would like him to go and see the great JC and pray and stop preyying on the little JC.
This was posted on Pierce's Blog - #2
Hmmm.. Create a new hotmail account just to post this via a open reply on someone’s cable modem in USA?
Cheap but no caveat. Taiwanese?? Singaporean?? Asian country I pressumed.
FYI, I also use that web proxy occasionally.
My answer to your claims is as below:
1. Lafayette is not a diplomas mill as what you have claimed. Please check
2. Oriental Medical College
3. I also have a ITEC certification for physiotheraphy due to needs from one of my previous IT project but I am only computer project manager. The certification will take up to 2 years depending on what certification you want.
** I believed that if you are going to make your website impressive, you will pull out all the certificates which is related to your business and publish them. This will also include maybe an IUG Degree for certified internet user which can be obtained back in 1996 by paying some fella IUG in USA USD 1 and you will get a digital certificates plus a mail in certificates if you add on USD 10 for the return postage. This is only Human nature.
4. China Medical Institute is a school which teach physiotheraphy and acupunture, Location: Beijing. I would not concede that Jessie have made any mistake because if you are going to address a school which have a common name like St. Joseph, one would just use either a prefix or a suffix with the name of the location as an indicative pronoun to the common name. i. e. (suffix) St. Joseph Kuching, Kuching High School (prefix) or Massachusetts Institute of Technology (prefix).
5. There is a East West University is in Chicago. Il. How on earth do you miss that????? Of course Jessie was not studying in Il. However, there is another East West University of Holistic Health Sciences in USA which is affiliated with Indian board of alternative medicine (IBAM). I think you must have use the wrong search engine. Try Google, Yahoo or Wikipedia. Just cut and paste the name as exactly from the Natural Health farm website and you should be able to find all the assiciates and institution.
(got sick of numbering and referencing…)
for American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Nutritional Medical Association, these are companies what provide Alternative medicine information and since Steven is a MD, I would think that what Steven wants to do is to oust all the alternative medicine from any claims that alternative medicine works. This is because there are some basis that alternative medicine works by boosting the immune system of the patient and thus make the body defence system works better in fighting sickness; and if alternative medicine works, steven will be the one losing out with some of the other MD who will be making less money due to the impact from this new line of remedies in the general market.
FYI, you can listen to Ai-FM (formerly Radio 5) via Internet Radio.
Dr. is conferred, not earned right? what what is the price to get this title? Pay 1 Million for it? Please note that Jessie is a supporter of alternative medicine. Most of the alternative medicine is not being accepted by medical institution because of “conflict of interest” in their marketplace. Hence these bodies of accredition will not endorse alternative medicine. Hope you still remember when Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adam started his venture, It was not accepted by the general medical practitioners because free medicine is suppose to be the given to the needy.
On personal notes, eventhough I have a few MDs in my big family, I would still say this. Most but not all MD are “blood suckers” who is only aftering the monies of the people in sickness. When the medical professions started back in the 4000BC, The ideal of healing is to look at the healer and you are healed. (Bible book of Exodos, Sient Crada scrolls and etc.) The ideal thought has been abused ever since by the medical profession (which originated from the world of the now alternative medicine) and by causing tons of death, they took on and trying to profit to the misfortune of the ones in need. Patch had seen this and is on trying to improve the quality of life for the patients.
Anyway that is Patch, Not Jessie. Here in Malaysia, we have our ways of doing things and in order for alternative medicine to progress on, it is still a long journey. Just as the path of the brand Himalaya has gone through and obtain global recognitions, Natural Health Farm is also going through the same thing but with bigger obstacle. It is on its way towards global recognition.
NHF is Jessie’s work. Her tears and sweats is all in this. May be she has profitted from this but I would say that what she has pay is more than what she has received. To me, she is a Dr. because she has earned it herself through her life experience and studies. I knew her when she was still a he and back then, she did study hard for alternative medicine and people with medical degree should be called Dr. (and I don’t mean MD)
Yes, she may not be as mighty as Dr. Patch, but to me, alternative medicine is much better than western meds. Yet I think we should have both in the way that it will balance out the norm.
This was posted on Pierce's Blog - #3
If indeed you are from a cable fro Rogers, then i would caution you that you may have a insecure port. Anyway, I will response to your queries later as I am in the middle of arranging a trip.
This Was Posted By guozi/I-BUST-YOU (IP: On www.usj.com.my
Hey! you stupid little %^&*(#@, pls be very careful!!! You know who am I?!!
I obtained ITEC- Dip in Nutrition. Wanna see my certs??? Dont act clever over your little stupid comments. I WIL FINd U...
Attack my posts and I if you wish. Unless very personal or obscene information is posted, I will not censor nor edit any posts with few exceptions. But you will be more credible if you deal with the issues.
Thanks silveraven, and welcome.
I know where I live, and my word is good - so there is no need to make any further efforts to prove the obvious.
Over time, Pierce, guozi, and I-BUST-YOU were all proven wrong with their assumptions and accusations. Over time too Jessie's dubious credentials will be reduced down to a few minor certificates and diplomas un-related to any credible medical disciplines - and amounting to not too much.
I stand behind what I write. I've been collecting a lot of materials on all these so-called universities that Jessie "attended" and will begin putting a comprehensive dossier together to post here ... lots of interesting readings ahead I assure you.
Please come back, and post your thoughts and responses.
Quote: "Please note that Jessie is a supporter of alternative medicine. Most of the alternative medicine is not being accepted by medical institution because of “conflict of interest” in their marketplace. Hence these bodies of accredition will not endorse alternative medicine. Hope you still remember when Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adam started his venture, It was not accepted by the general medical practitioners because free medicine is suppose to be the given to the needy."
Oh, get real matey! What alternative medicine are those? And god knows how many times fold those products are compared to their original form. You want Vitamin C? Eat oranges. You want goat's milk? I squeeze some for you, fresh from the 'natural farm'. 'Organic Enzymes Soya Protein Milk (SPM)'? Get real! I could get that from my favourite local store for RM 1.20 per packet, with or without sugar.
I am not against people taking supplementary nutrition but I am strongly against people who use fake their qualifications to sell similar products AND claimed that they are miracle drugs, curing cancer and what-not.
May I add more- Quote: "Just as the path of the brand Himalaya has gone through and obtain global recognitions, Natural Health Farm is also going through the same thing but with bigger obstacle. It is on its way towards global recognition."
Now I understand that the meaning 'global' means only people speaking/reading Chinese. Then, I guess this blog and the language I'm typing now are not too global then since they are in English.
Consider having the NHF website in English first before talking about globalisation, eh!!!
Actually Chinese is a very important language since the "dragon has awaken to rule for the next 100 years".
My son is taking Mandarin, as he will be taking up a job in China very soon.
English will remain the global business language however, IMHO.
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