Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Some Answers From "Dr" Jessie Chung’s Friend, Pierce

When I first heard of “Dr” Jessie Chung, I did a Google search and found this blog space: http://blog.kuchingfest.com/

The blog space belongs to a Malaysian IT consultant by the name of Pierce. Pierce lives in the same city as Jessie and claims to have attended high school with Jessie (then Jeffrey). When I first posted information about Jessie’s dubious credentials on his blog, Pierce did not give me a warm welcome – he accused me of being a local opponent to Jessie, surfing under a false proxy. Pierce also presented a whole series of ad hominem arguments, trying to discredit me – and by extension my information about Jessie. Pierce eventually mellowed out, but continued to stand up for his friend Jessie. To Pierce’s full credit, he did not once censored any one of my posts. That is respectable. While we are likely not friends, but Pierce is at least friendly.
Pierce has been the de facto – albeit self-appointed - spokesperson for “Dr. Jessie Chung. Recently he responded to one of my posts here, but on his own blog. I am copying them over here – verbatim - since the original questions were asked here.

Some Questions For "Dr" Jessie Chung
1. Can Jessie explain why Lafayette University was dropped from her list of credentials? Was the M.Sc. with emphasis in Nutrition purchased?

I would think that this is clear. Since you have been hammering on this school, one less credentials from her may not affect her list in total. Anyway, I think she will explain as to why this is dropped.

2. Can Jessie explain why her Professorship was dropped from her list of credentials, and why she is no longer calling herself Professor (like she did on previous versions of her webpage)? May we have the postal address or the webpage of the East West University of Holistic Health Sciences in the USA, please???

I know that most of the affiliations points to MO, US. rest of them I will let the Dr. answer.

3. May we have the postal address or the webpages of the rest of the universities and institutions she studied in, please??? No one else seems to be able to find them, anywhere …. especially St. Andrew, or St. Andrew’s.

I’ve told her about the address thing and also her year of graduations. This she has mentioned that she will publish it up

4. May we have the date of graduation of each degrees Jessie has earned, so that we have a better sense of the duration of her training and education? They say practice makes perfect, so it would be interesting to know if her doctorates are of the 4/5-year variety. Jessie seems awfully young (take this as a compliment) for someone to have attained all these medical diplomas and degrees (about 12).


5. Which degrees were obtained by on-campus studies, and which by mail? Wanna bet I can guess?

This she has also mentioned that she will indicate in her list of credentials.

6. Where did Jessie undertook her internship, and her post-doctoral fellowship? And her record of publications and research?

can’t comment on this because I don’t know the details of what has happened to her and what she did while she was away and when it has happened in precise. However, I do knew that these has been the time since she has left for study - 1985 and this was the time she first return from Hawaii - end 1991-early 1992 and her second return from Hawaii - 1995-1996 and this was the start time I lost contact with her until earlier this year - 1996 March 17.

We’ve been promised a full disclosure with pictures of all her degrees and diplomas by another blogger on his blog space … I can’t wait!!! But I am not holding my breathe.

Alright, my source is as good as yours. The list of her credentials is been published (present continuous). Only thing extra that I get is more explainations from her on what she has been conferred and what she has gone through.

Seems like we now have some time lines, which still do not add up for me: Assuming that Jeffrey left two years before finishing local high school (and based on the assumption that students graduate from high school at 18 in Malaysia), Jeffrey was 16 in 1985. This makes Jessie about 36. Still awfully young to be accorded a full professorship at that age, and even to have earned (emphasis on earn) all those degrees the traditional way.

I also do not know if I agree with Pierce's statement that one less credentials from her may not affect her list in total. That would have been a totally different argument had all her credentials being valid and credible. Here we are talking about her dubious credentials and her habit of presenting purchased degrees as legitimately earned degrees. One cannot pretend that her previous claim for "earning" the Lafayette University degree as suddenly irrelevant because she dropped them from her webpage and she has 11 others. In fact it is the opposite - now that she is trying to loose the "smoking gun" that makes her more culpable as a fraud.


Blogger raymond said...

What sort of responses are these? Even my 8 year old son can do better. :-(

Wed Dec 14, 01:12:00 AM EST  
Blogger Q-Buster said...

Unfortunately, that's the best I have been able to get from her de facto spokeperson, Pierce.

Pierce is placed in a tough position. He feels obligated to defend his friend and - I sense - he knows she is full of it at the same time.

All I need as a response from Jessie are:
1. the ACTUAL year of graduation,
2. the copies of her medical certificates, diplomas (honestly I care less of these first two), and degrees she has "earned"
3. how they were "earned" (in situ studies, distance learning or transfer credit - life experience or otherwise)
4. the addresses or URLs of these institutions.

Or she can just give me items #1 and #4, and I can come to my own objective conclusions to report on.

Wed Dec 14, 09:47:00 AM EST  
Blogger Q-Buster said...


My first apology - Pierce DOES NOT currently live in the same city as Jessie, and DID NOT attend high school with Jessie/Jeffrey. Pierce attended high school with Jessie/Jeffrey's younger sister.

My sincere apologies.

Thu Dec 15, 08:14:00 AM EST  
Blogger Q-Buster said...

We have secondary schools as well, which is the official terminology. We call them high schools however, just like we do in the US.

Students complete grade school (Grades 1 to 8) and high school (Grades 9 to 12) in 12 years, at age of 18. The parts of Canada I am in now used to have Grade 13, which is now repealed to harmonize with the rest of Canada and US ... partky due to NAFTA (kind of like EU).

Mon Dec 19, 09:44:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#

Thu Mar 16, 12:50:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Malaysians actually stand for this kind of blatant quackery? When are your health authorities rousing from their slumber under that all-so-comfortable coconut tree shade? He-she would have been torn to shreds and jailed for fraud and practising medicine without a licence if he-she did that in Singapore.

It's bad enough that the billion-dollar pharmaceutical corporations are preying on the sick, but to have a backyard practitioner do so with such low-class is unbecoming!


Sun Nov 25, 04:31:00 AM EST  

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